“Common Exploitation Booster” - Support services for on-going R&I projects across the FP7 and H2020

(H2020 - Common Support Center, European Commission)

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Non technological bottlenecks (knowledge of the market, financial issues, regulatory environment, etc.) prevent research results from making it to the end users. Common Exploitation Booster is a support service which aims to bridge the gap between research results and exploitation by:

  • raising awareness on exploitation possibilities; recognizing valuable and exploitable results;
  • providing an opportunity to clarify issues, propose solutions and actions, anticipate possible conflicts for a successful exploitation;
  • helping to set-up roadmaps for the long-term sustainability of the project results; facilitating open innovation and (re)use of project results;
  • creating value out of novel knowledge (creating revenues, improving skill set of an organization, preparing for standardization of patenting, finding optional pathways for future work).

KiNNO, in the framework of the Common Exploitation Booster, will support Exploitation Activities to help, former FP7 and on-going H2020, R&I projects by providing a series of tailored services to ensure the exploitation of research results. The overall framework is being managed by META Group that is the Contractor of the European Commission.

More specifically, the services that will be offered are:

  • Analysis of Exploitation Risks (AER)
  • Exploitation Strategy Seminar (ESS)
  • Business Plan Development (BPD)
  • Brokering and Pitching Event (BPE)

Download the project flyer!

Website: http://exploitation.meta-group.com/SitePages/default.aspx

Funding Opportunities

Available funding opportunities:

EIC Accelerator
EIC Pathfinder

EIC Transition

For more information about deadlines visit the Calendar.


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