New Delhi, Global Opportunity Explorer, Platform for innovative solutions and market opportunities

The Global Opportunity Explorer is a new, joint initiative of Sustainia, DNV GL and the UN Global Compact. It is a platform which offers direct access to the most innovative solutions and market opportunities which address the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

The creators argue that the SDGs can offer a myriad of business opportunities with great value to companies, society and the environment. Aside from mapping a world of cutting-edge innovation and new markets, the Explorer aims to help business leaders, entrepreneurs and investors connect with new partners, projects and markets, marking the beginning of a strengthened collaborative effort to scale up solutions that guarantee a more sustainable world in 2030.

You can visit the Global Opportunity Explorer here

Co-creation and collaboration is key to the success and ongoing development of the Explorer, which launched with a pool of 300 solutions and 45 new markets – a number which is expected to increase significantly over the coming months and years. KiNNO promotes a number of initiatives that leverage co-creation and open innovation concepts to achieve a sustainable energy future for Europe.

To learn more about INNOENERGY, please click here.

To learn more about OPEN INNOVATION visit the H2020 Project INSPIRE.

global opp explorer

Funding Opportunities

Available funding opportunities:

EIC Accelerator
EIC Pathfinder

EIC Transition

For more information about deadlines visit the Calendar.


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