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Business Innovation Consulting Services for OMIKRON

Starting Date: 30/09/2020
End Date: 11/12/2020

This project focuses on reviewing OMIKRON’s current business and strategic ideas to design a growth and expansion plan for the company. OMIKRON, a consulting firm specializing in the protection, management, and enhancement of the natural environment, leverages integrated scientific approaches and innovative technology solutions. The goal is to refine the company’s strategy to support growth and broaden its impact on environmental sustainability. Efforts are being made to commercialize its solutions, with an emphasis on increasing the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) to ensure scalability and wider industry adoption.

KiNNO responsibility:

  • Market & Competition Analysis: Conducting strategy diagnostics and commercial due diligence to evaluate the viability and competitive positioning of OMIKRON innovations.
  • Business Models & Plans: Developing a comprehensive business and financial plan, ensuring alignment with industry demands, and supporting the technology’s commercialization and long-term success.