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FloatMast – Offshore Wind Energy Cost Reduction by an Innovative Floating Met Mast Platform

Starting Date: 10/01/2019
End Date: 30/11/2020
Industry: ,

The project focuses on FloatMast, an innovative floating platform designed for wind data measurements crucial to Offshore Wind Parks (OWPs). Offering a 70% cost reduction compared to traditional methods, it combines the advantages of meteorological masts and Lidar sensors. FloatMast provides multi-purpose measurements, including oceanographic and environmental data, and is reusable throughout various stages of the OWP life cycle. Developed by two Greek SMEs, FloatMast has been patented, tested, and is now preparing for commercialization through operational demonstrations.

KiNNO responsibility:

  • Market & Competition Analysis: Identifying opportunities, challenges, and customer needs in the offshore wind sector for FloatMast.
  • IP Landscaping: Informing the development of an effective “go-to-market” strategy for FloatMast.
  • Economic Feasibility Studies: Conducting a two-phase risk analysis, evaluating qualitative and quantitative factors impacting FloatMast’s commercialization.