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GO_GREEN – Computing Power Goes Green

Client: EU
Starting Date: 01/08/2023

The “Computing Power Goes Green” (GO_GREEN) project aims to promote green digitization within the Region of Western Macedonia. This project focuses on integrating digital technologies with sustainability goals to achieve climate neutrality, reduce pollution, and restore biodiversity. It recognizes the importance of leveraging digital advancements to facilitate a green transition and vice versa. By fostering collaborative clusters and leveraging collective intelligence, the GO_GREEN project aims to create a resilient and sustainable digital ecosystem in Western Macedonia, contributing to the broader goals of the European Green Deal and Digital Europe initiatives.

Kinno was responsible for:

  • Detailed Green digitalization Action Plan taking into account:
    • oindicators of green digitization
    • otransition stages towards green digitization
    • oset of good practices that lead to the achievement of the milestones of the Action Plan
    • omanagement & methods of achieving desired indicators per transition stage
    • Green digital certification framework & grant procedures
  • Creation of best practices for green digitalization
  • Creation of green indicators for the assessment/ classification of digitalization investments and Green Digitalization Certificate (label) for the relevant initiatives with the use of the green indicators
  • Creation of Green digitalization Roadmap