INFUSSE connects Higher Education Institutions with innovation support organizations to develop online education and incubation programs, promoting Digital Entrepreneurship education. The goal is to increase the uptake of digital entrepreneurship education in HEIs through an innovative competency-based learning methodology. The project deploys a Virtual Incubation Program to help both educators and learners develop digital and entrepreneurial competencies.
INFUSSE – dIgital eNtrepreneurial Skills For UniverSity Education

Client: National Scholarships Foundation
Starting Date: 01/02/2022
End Date: 31/01/2024
Beneficiaries: Universities, Young Innovators & Entrepreneurs
Industry: Information & Communication
KiNNO responsibility:
- Sectorial Mapping & Market Analysis: Identifying opportunities and challenges in the Digital Entrepreneurship sector.
- Innovation Ecosystem Mapping: Mapping the stakeholders, actors, and networks within the digital entrepreneurship ecosystem.
- Qualitative Research on Sectorial Trends: Assessing the needs of key stakeholders (students, educators, BSOs) to enhance digital entrepreneurship education.
- I&E Capacity Building: Creating educational content on Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management, Open Innovation, and Innovation Ecosystem Building.
- Incubator Impl;ementation: Designing and operating virtual incubation programs to support startups and entrepreneurs remotely.