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MED-MOBIL- Supportive international approach to increase and improve the mobility and exchange

Client: Managing Authority of the ENPI CBCMED Programme
Starting Date: 31/12/2013
End Date: 30/06/2016

The project aims to create a strong framework for cooperation that facilitates the exchange of students, professionals, and young entrepreneurs across the Mediterranean basin. By enhancing mobility and promoting cross-border exchanges, the initiative seeks to improve training opportunities and entrepreneurship skills for young people in the region. Through these exchanges, the project aspires to foster a dynamic environment that supports personal and professional growth, strengthens networks, and encourages collaborative learning. Ultimately, the project will contribute to the growth and innovation of youth-led initiatives in the Mediterranean, empowering young people to drive positive change in their communities.

KiNNO responsibility:

  • Innovation Management Capacity Building: Creates an innovation methodology for capacity building of professionals in mobility programs.
  • “Train the Trainers” Capacity Building Seminar: Organizes seminars to train trainers, enhancing their capacity to mentor others.
  • Networking & Matchmaking Activities: Facilitates mobility and knowledge transfer initiatives for young innovators.