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MED / PELAGOS – Promoting innovative nEtworks and cLusters for mArine renewable energy synerGies in mediterranean cOasts and iSlands

The project aims to strengthen innovation capacities and promote collaboration among Blue Energy (BE) stakeholders in the Mediterranean region through the establishment of a transnational cluster. The initiative will focus on advancing novel BE technologies and offering a range of support activities to various stakeholders, including technology providers, businesses, financial operators, authorities, NGOs, and local communities. By fostering international cooperation, PELAGOS will identify BE opportunities in Mediterranean coastal and insular regions, connecting providers with users. The project aims to contribute to economic growth in coastal areas, generate high-quality jobs, and boost the overall development of the Blue Energy sector in the region.

KiNNO responsibility:

  • Innovation Support Structures’ Design & Organization: Developing methodologies for setting up and operating Blue Economy clusters.
  • Technology Transfer Methodology: Developing and updating platforms to facilitate technology transfer in Blue Energy.
  • Open Innovation Methodology: Creating methodologies to foster open innovation in the Blue Energy sector.
  • R&I Strategies & Action Plans: Strengthening Research & Innovation on Blue Energy in Greece & Europe through tailored strategies and policy action plans at regional and national levels.
  • Economic Feasibility Studies: Conducting sustainability analyses to assess the long-term impact and viability of Blue Energy solutions.