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PRE-LEAP-RE – PREparing for a Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy

The PRE-LEAP-RE project prepares the groundwork for a European Joint Programme (EJP) focused on fostering long-term collaboration between the African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU) in the field of renewable energy (RE). This initiative aims to enhance cooperation and mutual understanding of the AU-EU ecosystem, promoting the empowerment of local research through joint Europe-Africa efforts. The project also focuses on transforming research into effective innovation, addressing specific societal needs while considering regional differences. Ultimately, PRE-LEAP-RE seeks to create the necessary conditions for sustainable development and energy transition across both continents.

KiNNO responsibility:

  • Innovation Ecosystem Mapping: Conducting EU-AU Ecosystem Analysis, reviewing initiatives, and performing meta-analysis to identify synergies with successful initiatives.
  • R&I Strategies & Action Plans: Designing the EJP-RE, including the Research and Innovation Agenda, Human and Institutional Capacity Building Agenda, and Stakeholder Engagement.
  • Policy Recommendations: Developing a Monitoring & Evaluation Framework for the project, ensuring the effective exploitation of identified synergies and coordinating the overall project.