The project focuses on creating a reference guide of best practices from existing European programs to facilitate knowledge exchange and technology transfer between the research community and SMEs, especially those with low absorption capacity. These SMEs, which represent over 80% of all SMEs, are a key target for policy intervention to boost their engagement with research and innovation. The guide will provide benchmarks and effective practices to enhance SME involvement in research, helping them improve their innovation capabilities and fostering stronger connections with the broader research ecosystem.
RAPPORT – Building RAPPORT Between Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises and Public or Private Research Capabilities

Client: EU
Starting Date: 01/01/2010
End Date: 30/06/2012
KiNNO responsibility:
- Sectorial Mapping & Market Analysis: Evaluation of EU research & technology research programs.
- Innovation Ecosystem Mapping: Creation of synergies between public R&D bodies and SMEs.
- Policy Recommendations: Development of specific guidelines to the EU.