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TUCAN3G – Wireless technologies for isolated rural communities in developing countries based on cellular 3G femtocell deployments

Client: European Commission – DG RTD
Starting Date: 16/02/2013
End Date: 31/05/2016

The “TUCAN3G” project aimed to provide a technologically feasible and economically sustainable solution for introducing voice and broadband data services in rural communities of developing countries. It utilized commercial cellular terminals, 3G femtocells, and heterogeneous backhauling (WiLD-WiMAX-VSAT). A demonstration platform was installed in the Peruvian jungle to verify the solution and business model. The project focused on finding a suitable business model, enhancing access and transport networks, and checking viability through the demonstration platform.

KiNNO responsibility:

  • Market & Competition Analysis: Market analysis and mapping of technology innovation trends in wireless communication solutions for remote areas
  • Business Models & Plans: Design and development of a sustainable business model tailored to rural connectivity challenges
  • Sectorial Mapping & Market Analysis: Coordination of market studies and analysis of business model validation results in the Peruvian and Colombian Amazon regions
  • Funding Seeking: Identification of suitable funding opportunities and methodologies for financing rural connectivity solutions
  • Exploitation & Dissemination: Support in the dissemination of project results, including the proposal of commercialization actions and cluster development