The “USMART” project developed a suite of novel smart mobility services (iServices) based on mobile technology to help city residents and tourists reach their destinations efficiently using public or private transportation. These iServices were demonstrated during mega, sport, and cultural events, utilizing data from public transport organizations, transportation system users, road transport authorities, and the Mobility Insight network of RF sensors. Additionally, a smartphone application (SMART app) was created to collect real-time data through sensors like Wi-Fi, GSM, and GPS, which users could validate and customize via a web interface. Two pilot case studies were conducted: one for validating the SMART app and estimating behavioral econometric models, and another for deploying iServices during events in Athens, Greece, and Haifa, Israel.
USMART – Personalised Smart Travel Services on Urban Environments

Client: General Secretary Of Research And Technology
Starting Date: 31/07/2014
End Date: 30/09/2015
Services: Innovation Projects Support, Innovation Strategy
Beneficiaries: Public Authorities or Public Bodies
KiNNO responsibility:
- Project Management: Research coordination and strategic implementation of smart mobility services
- Business Models & Plans: Development of a sustainable business model for market uptake
- Market & Competition Analysis: Examination of the competitive landscape and business environment
- Exploitation & Dissemination: Implementation of a diffusion strategy to enhance service adoption